McCormick Covid-19 Announcements and Information

Sunday, October 4, 2020 5:00 p.m.
This past week we were notified by Laramie County Health of a possible exposure and we are happy to announce that it was negative.
Here are steps that we take to ensure proper communication is in place when notified of possible exposure or confirmed case.
COVID-19 Communication Process
1. Contact impacted students/staff
2. Assign staff for data collection
3. Staff communication
4. Impacted student(s) – parent communication
5. Public communication – community relations
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 2:45 p.m.
The Laramie County Health Department is currently investigating a possible Covid-19 exposure in our 7th grade community. We are currently waiting for further direction from the Laramie County Health Department. Additional information will be shared through the Remind messaging system.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
McCormick Families:
Thank you for your questions, patience, and support as we worked through this past week with two positive Covid cases. We are continuing to learn how to navigate through this and I am happy to see the teamwork that McCormick has shown. It has been challenging; however, we continue to move forward and are adapting with each task to ensure that we continue to provide health and safety for our students and our faculty/staff. We have received questions from parents wishing to know more about each case. It is important to understand that in order to not violate HIPA/FERPA guidelines, we can only share an overview of the situation and Laramie County Health contacts those individuals who may have been deemed a direct contact with the person that has tested positive.
When we are notified by the Laramie County Health Department of a positive COVID case, we begin gathering information for the Health Department to aid in close-contact tracing. We initiate communication with parents/guardians, district leadership, and McCormick faculty and staff. Communication with all parties throughout helps us ensure that we are taking the correct steps and ensure safety procedures are in place. As we assess our procedures, we will be adjusting our reentry plan to provide more detail on remote learning and the communication process when we are notified of a positive COVID test. Our main objective is to keep students, our teachers and support staff healthy and safe.
McCormick teachers assisted administration in gathering the needed information for the Laramie County Health Department to begin contact tracing. Our teachers’ established classroom procedures and consistent seating charts, which allowed us to provide timely information to the Laramie County Health Department to facilitate accurate contact tracing.
As we move forward, McCormick Administration requests your assistance with setting the expectation with your student the importance of following the Big 4:
1. If you are sick or have symptoms, stay home and contact your health provider.
2. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently.
3. Wear a face mask when you are in common areas or cannot socially distance by 6 feet.
4. Socially distance by 6 feet, if and when you can.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Good Evening McCormick Parents,
We have been informed this evening that an individual within the McCormick Community tested positive for COVID-19. City County Health has initiated contact tracing protocols. Students and faculty with direct contact have already been directed to stay home tomorrow, Thursday, September 17, 2020. If necessary, The Laramie County Health Department may contact you. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we work to keep McCormick safe.