McCormick Announcements

a day ago

Spring Break

McCormick will be closed from March 31 - April 4, 2025

McCormick Junior High is recognized as a Purple Star School!

MJHS Purple Star website

The Wyoming Purple Star School program recognizes the efforts of Wyoming K-12 Schools that are committed and supportive of military students and families as they transition to their new homes and schools.

image of the Wyoming department of Education Purple Star logo

Pedestrian safety, particularly around school zones, continues to be a serious concern around Wyoming and within the state legislature.  To that end, WYDOT produced a 3 1/2 minute video back in November about the important topic of crosswalk safety.  We are grateful to the Wyoming Department of Education for helping to promote the video through their online news bulletin.   


The video is geared to people of all ages and serves to inform viewers about how to safely navigate the various types of crosswalks they come across.  

Click Here:

Arial picture of McCormick and new traffic flow

Select this block to visit the McCormick JHS Purple Star program website. WY Purple Star Logo - Purple Star Program (purple star with a purple ribbon woven around the star - on top it has Wyoming Department of Education and on bottom of ribbon it has Purple Star School.
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