Parent Advisory Meeting Information
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Items discussed:
Dr. Conroy discussed:
PBIS: Our January meeting was pushed back a few weeks so that we could complete first Semester and get started with second Semester. Upon our return from winter break, we did a "reset" of our McCormick behavior expectations by creating a few Powerpoint presentations for advisory teachers to present. These presentations focused on the 3 B's... Be Safe. Be Responsible. Be Respectful. Teachers asked their students their thoughts on why these rules are important and to give examples. Students have also been randomly stopped in the hallway by administrators, asked to name one of the 3 B's and if they were able to answer correctly, they were given a reward. We also had a spirit week and were pleased with the participation.
Other rule reminders have been mentioned during our afternoon announcements. These have included: no headgear in the school building, including hoodies and hats, no technology items (except for school issued iPads) are to be out during the school day, reminder that hall passes are required when out of class, to follow the directional arrows when moving around in the hallways, and what times during the day that lockers can be accessed.
Principal Advisory Cabinet: A group of students met as an advisory cabinet last week with the principals. Students identified things that they considered positives here at McCormick. They liked: being greeted by teachers as they come to school in the morning, Networks of Support activities, after school clubs and athletics, free lunches, going outside each day / mask breaks, spirit days, and feeling safe.
Things to improve on: Students would like more time during advisement for homework, they mentioned that the lunch lines are too long and 3rd lunch runs out of food options, they want to be able to play basketball during their lunch recess, would like a "hat day" and a "field day".
Networks of Support: For the January activity, 8th grade students met through their science classes and participated in trust activities. Students are really beginning to feel comfortable interacting and participating. More details can be found on the Networks of Support section of our website.
Mrs. Troudt discussed:
Athletics: Boys basketball is going well. We have approximately 120 boys out. All of our home games are being played here at McCormick except for a few Saturday games at Storey Gym. Our Covid procedures are running smoothly. Each athlete may have 2 spectators and must wear a mask while in the building.
Swimming sign-ups begin today, February 1, 2021.
Advisement: Students have received iPad training on Keynote and the dictation (Speech to Text) features. These training modules will continue throughout the remainder of the year.
Course Selection for 2021-2022 School year: All details can be found on the course selection block on our website.
Mrs. McClinton discussed:
Wy-Topp testing: The Wy-Topp assessments were given to students on Tuesday, 1/26 and Wednesday, 1/27. For the Winter administration, students were grouped with their advisement classes and tested for most of the day. Snacks and breaks were provided and students were given time to complete their tests at their own speed. This is a change from our previous testing schedule. It allowed for less missed instructional class time and decreased the number of make-up tests that needed to be done. Preliminary data shows an increase in proficient and advanced scores and a decrease in student scores that are basic and below-basic. We are anxious to receive feedback from our teachers at the next faculty meeting.
Our December Parent Advisory Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Items discussed:
Dr. Conroy discussed:
Covid procedures: There will be more reliance on school nurses to help with contact tracing as positive cases are confirmed at each school. Our nurse, Brenda Wrede, has been doing an amazing job and we are very lucky to have her as a part of our McCormick community.Items discussed:
Dr. Conroy discussed:
The McCormick faculty and staff are doing an outstanding job teaching in the classroom and keeping their Canvas pages up-to-date for those students that are learning from home due to illness or quarantine. IPads are being used daily and are working well for students.
The School District is working closely with the Laramie County Health department and senior leadership meets with them often to make decisions and go over procedures in regards to COVID-19. Thank you for reminding your students to wear their masks correctly and to wash their hands regularly.
Olweus Survey: 498 students took the Olweus survey which gives us feedback on how students view bullying. Verbal bullying (name calling and teasing) were the most reported type of bullying (6-7%) followed by exclusion (4-6%), physical (1-3%), and rumors (1%).
We did see that 69% of students surveyed would try to stop bullying if they witnessed it happening to one of their peers.
Wendy Dryden discussed:
Networks of Support: 8th grade students participated in their first Warrior Rendezvous in October focusing on connections at McCormick. Our Networks of Support team planned this event which was done through English classes and consisted of a 15 minute activity, small group conversation, a time for sharing ideas, and a closing activity.
November's Warrior Rendezvous will focus on the question: What are the characteristics of a trusted adult and who are your trusted adults at school. This will take place during a social studies class.
December will focus on identifying trusted adults outside of the McCormick community.
The Networks of Support group will be looking for student leaders and applications will be going out soon to 8th grade students that might be interested.
Mrs. Troudt discussed:
In advisory classes, 7th grade students are learning and thinking about personal road blocks, adversity, and ways to achieve personal goals. 8th grade classes are looking at plans for the future and how they might acquire the skill set needed to be successful.
On Friday, November 6th, students took part in a lesson focusing on diversity, prejudice, and stereotypes.
Athletics: Currently we have girls basketball and wrestling going on at McCormick. We are using an online ticketing reservation process for spectators. That link was sent to athletes by their coaches.
Mrs. McClinton discussed:
PBIS: We invited you to participate in
completing the School Climate Survey. This survey included questions
about your student’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal
relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional
environment and your personal involvement in school. From your responses, we learned that one area we need to improve upon is student recognition. We are planning a new school wide program called "Warrior Wins" and will be focusing on respect and thankfulness for this first incentive. The PBIS committee is also working to align our school documents with district documents for consistency.
AVID: November's focus is writing and we will be using graphic organizers and focused note taking strategies.
WY-TOPP: Advisory teachers will received individual student reports and goal setting documents and will be meeting with students to have a mini-conference to review strengths and areas for growth.
Our first Parent Advisory Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 30th at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Items discussed:
Dr. Conroy discussed:
McCormick's reentry plan: An updated version will be posted soon detailing changes that were made after our positive Covid-19 cases. We need all students to continue to complete their health screener every morning.
Increased Communication goals: It is our intention to continue to send Remind messages on Sunday evenings with updates on school happenings. These messages are also posted on our website under Communication Corner.
iPad Deployment: We are the last of the Junior High Schools to receive student iPads. They were distributed to students on Thursday, October 1, 2020. Parent letter, student handbook, and initial set-up information can be found on our website.
Networks of Support: Students had team building activities and discussions during their math classes on Friday, September 25, 2020. This program is designed to help establish trust within relationships. Watch for details as we plan for a Connections evening event.
Positive Covid-19 school process: The steps that were taken when we were informed of a positive Covid-19 case were discussed and reviewed.
1. Department of Health contacts senior leadership. School is then notified.
2. School gathers rosters and seating charts for classes, lunchroom, buses, athletics, lockers, etc.
3. This information is given to the Dept. of Health and they begin contact tracing.
4. Communication with group impacted by positive case is prepared and sent out. A follow-up message is then sent to the rest of the McCormick Community following all HIPPA and FERPA guidelines.
Mrs. Troudt discussed:
Athletics: Football, volleyball and cross country are wrapping up and sign-ups for wrestling and girls basketball are happening now. Those sports begin on October 12th. More information will be posted on our website.
Clubs: Club sponsors are working on their club reentry plans so that our McCormick clubs can begin meeting the week of October 5th.
Olweus: The lessons are being taught through Advisory classes and the school-wide Olweus survey will be taken on October 24, 2020 in science classes.
Second Step: This program is presented to help with the social and emotional needs of students. Current lessons are being taught on how to learn from mistakes.
Mrs. McClinton discussed;
WyTOPP Testing: We just finished up the scheduled testing for Math, Reading, and Writing and are now working on make-up testing for those that still need to finish. This Fall interim test gives us a baseline to where are students are. We use this data to target Tier1 and Tier 2 interventions to meed the needs of students.
AVID: During September, we worked on organization and setting up binders/planners. In October, the focus will be on WICOR - Writing, Inquiry, Organization and Reading.
PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions and Support - We are focusing on Tier 1 which is Universal Prevention with celebrations (catching kids being good, student of the week, school-wide celebrations) and School Wide Systems (Olweus, Networks of Support, Second Step, consistent school wide language and expectations, data based decision making, feedback from students, staff, and parents). A parent survey will be sent out the week of October 26, 2020.