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Warrior Rendezvous

February Warrior Rendezvous: (2/18 and 2/19) This was our first meeting with our 7th grade students. We played a few games with the groups to get to know each other. The students discussed what they liked best about McCormick.  Our next 7th Grade Warrior Rendezvous will be March 25th and 26th.

January Warrior Rendezvous: (1/21 and 1/22) This was our last meeting with our 8th grade students. Students created “I promise to….” hands which included a positive action statement of what they plan to do during the last few months of the school year to make McCormick a great place to be.

Our Networks of Support advisors conducted our third Warrior Rendezvous with 8th graders and had so much fun with them.  They played a few games (Dance Master and Bully Toss) and the students created note cards with their Trusted Adult at McCormick and their Trusted Adult outside of McCormick.  The cards will be displayed in the McCormick hallways in January. The students also had conversations with Mrs. Will about how they can be supportive of each other over the upcoming holiday break.

We currently have 26 eighth grade students who sent in an application to be part of Networks of Support.  We will be starting our work with these students this week.

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